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Privacy Policy

As a reputable educational provider, we are committed to maintaining the privacy of all visitors to our site. Any information that is given to us is securely stored and protected. We are fully compliant with all relevant regulations, such as the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you have any questions about the way that we use or store your personal information, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

Your Rights

The GDPR give you a range of rights when it comes to your data.

Right of access

At all times, you have a right to see all of the information about you that we hold, which can be obtained by directly contacting us. We are committed to providing all of this information within a month of receiving your email request.

Right to be Forgotten

You also have the right to have all of your personal information removed from our records and systems. We endeavor to comply with such requests as soon as is practicable.


If we hold information about you that is incorrect, it is your right to have that data corrected. We aim to update our records as quickly as possible as soon as we are alerted to errors.


If we hold any personal data about you, you also have the right to have this data moved to another organisation or company. In this case, we provide the relevant data in a user friendly format.

Cookie Opt-Out

Our site employs cookies to help us analyse web traffic and to improve your visiting experience. On first using the site, you are given the choice of opting in to the use of cookies, but you have the right to opt out again at any subsequent point.

How We Process Your Data

Our approach to processing personal information and other data is founded on three lawful principles: Consent, Performance Of A Contract and Legitimate Interest.


The majority of information we process comes to us directly when you sign up for our newsletter, purchase an item from our site or set up an account with us. By undertaking these actions, you are giving consent for us to use and process your information. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Legitimate Interest

On occasions, we may identify that some of our services or products are of interest to a particular organisation or individual. On such occasions, we may use data that has been gathered indirectly to contact you, though we will not do this if you tell us you don’t want us to contact you.


This policy is applicable only to information that is collected through this website; however, our site may also include links to others. Please note that other sites are responsible for maintaining your privacy while you are using their platform. We urge you to scrutinise the privacy policies displayed on each site you visit to clarify how they use your information.


On occasions, we may ask you to complete a questionnaire or survey when you visit our site. Such participation is entirely voluntary and it is your choice whether you provide information for the survey.

Information Sharing

All information you provide when using our site will be used solely by Knowledge Door for the purposes laid out in this policy. We never sell or share personal information. If another organisation has contracted through us to facilitate or manage your access to our resources and courses, we retain the right to share relevant information on your progress and usage of our services with them.

Information Protection

We take the responsibility of holding and protecting information seriously. We ensure that reasonable steps are taken to store data securely and safely. In addition, we retain your data only as long as is strictly necessary and will carefully dispose of the information when it is no longer needed.

Your Data Your Choice

You need only give us as much personal data as you are comfortable with, but there may be occasions when we won’t be able to meet your requests without certain information. For further clarification about such situations or for any issue arising from this policy, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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